Legal Notice

Article 9. Registry domain name certificate

Article 9 of Act 34/2002, of 11 July, regarding information society and electronic trade services, hereinafter LSSI, stipulates that:

  • Providers of information society services established in Spain will have to notify the Companies’ Registry in which they are registered, or another public registry in which they may be registered for the acquisition of legal personality or solely for information purposes, of at least one domain name or Internet address, as the case may be, which they use to identify themselves in Internet, and deeds for the replacement or cancellation thereof, unless the aforesaid information already figures in the pertinent registry.
  • Domain names and the replacement or cancellation thereof shall be indicated in each registry, in accordance with regulatory standards.
  • The Central Companies’ Registry shall be informed immediately of all entries made in the Companies’ Registries so that they can be included amongst the data published for information purposes by the aforesaid Registry.
  • The obligation of notification referred to in paragraph 1 will have to be complied with within a period of 1 month from the time that the pertinent domain name or Internet address is obtained, replaced or cancelled.

Article 10. General information

Article 10 of Act 34/2002, of 11 July, regarding information society and electronic trade services, hereinafter LSSI, stipulates that:

  • Without prejudice to the information requirements set out in laws applicable, the provider of information society services will be obliged to avail itself of the resources enabling recipients of the service and also official bodies to have permanent, easy, direct and free access by electronic means to the following information:
    • Its name or company name; its residence or address or, in the absence thereof, the address of one of its permanent establishments in Spain; its e-mail address and any other particular which could enable direct and effective communication to be established with it.
    • The particulars of its registration in the Registry referred to in article 9.
    • If the activity were subject to a prior administrative authorisation regime, the data referring to the aforesaid authorisation and those identifying the official body responsible for the supervision thereof.
    • If it exercises a regulated profession it will have to indicate:
      • The particulars of the Official Association to which it belongs, as the case may be, and the official member’s number.
      • The academic or professional title which it has been awarded.
      • The State of the European Union or of the European Economic Area in which the aforesaid title was issued and, if applicable, the pertinent authorisation or recognition.
      • The professional standards applicable to the exercising of its profession and the media through which they can be known, including electronic ones.
    • The pertinent Tax Identification Number.
    • Clear and exact information regarding the price of the product or service, indicating whether or not it includes the taxes applicable and, if applicable, the shipment costs.
    • The codes of conduct subscribed, as the case may be, and the form in which they might be consulted by electronic means.
  • It shall be considered that the obligation to furnish this information has been complied with if the supplier includes it on its website under the terms indicated in paragraph 1.


  • Information corresponding to article 10, number 1, paragraph a)
    • Tax Identification Number: A50052950
    • Address: Ctra. Nuévalos km 0,700 – 50300 Calatayud
    • E-mail:
    • Telephone: (+34) 976889020

For-profit company registered in the Companies’ Registry of Zaragoza on 30/11/1979, Volume 296, Gral. 186, Section 3rd Corporations, Pages 1 and 12, Sheet 4.421, Entries 1st and 2nd.

  • Information corresponding to article 10, number 1, paragraph f)

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